
Low Carb Smart Snacking

By Susan Burke MS, RD, LD/N, CDE
eDiets Chief Nutritionist

Snacking doesn't necessarily mean eating in addition to your diet, or eating foods that are unhealthy for you. Much better than fasting (which depletes you of energy and motivation), keeping your engine burning and fueling your body with healthy snacks is going to help you achieve your goals.

On eDiets , your menu is created for results, and fuels you with the right amount of calories and nutrition, or in the case of the Atkins Diet, the right amount and the right type of carbs, for your personal and unique requirements. Daily snacks are included on your daily menu, and in addition, we encourage members to take a food item or two from each meal to eat two to three hours later.

On the Atkins Diet, you begin with Induction, and your menu is higher in protein and fat and lower in carbohydrates. During this two-week phase, you're restricted to two cups of salad vegetables and one cup of cooked vegetables daily. Eat liberally of protein choices, including turkey and chicken, meats and fish, eggs and to a lesser extent, cheese. Non-meat sources of proteins such as tofu, soy nuts and tempeh are permitted.

There are a variety of low-carb snack products available. Some low-carb products are sweetened with Splenda, others have both Splenda and sugar alcohols. Depending on your taste, you may find them enjoyable, and they are available for an occasional treat without going over your carbohydrate allowance.

Fresh Low-Carb Snack Ideas:
1. Sliced turkey breast, roast beef, chicken breast or ham wrapped around celery sticks

2. Sliced avocado salad dressed with olive oil and a teaspoon of balsamic vinegar

3. Quarter-cup roasted almonds

4. Cup of roasted peanuts in the shell

5. Four large boiled shrimp with sugar-free cocktail sauce

6. Two cups sugar-free gelatin topped with a whipped cream

7. Hard-boiled eggs

8. String cheese

9. Celery stuffed with nut butter (no-sugar-added peanut, cashew or sesame butter)

10. Marinated olives and fennel

eDiets and Atkins Diet, can help you fight the battle of the bulge. We know you're busy -- that's why we take all the guesswork out of dieting for you. Everything you need to succeed is at your fingertips.

eDiets Chief Nutritionist Susan L. Burke is a registered and licensed dietitian and a certified diabetes educator who specializes in both general and diabetes-related weight management

Two modified ketogenic diets that include carbohydrates to support high intensity training

low carb ketogenic dietMy name is Lyle McDonald, I'm an exercise physiologist and research nerd. I became interested in low-carbohydrate diets over 10 years ago when I used one myself to lose fat. However, as I delved more into them, I realized that most books written about low-carbohydrate (aka ketogenic) diets were miserably flawed.

Either they presented the diet as a magic, 'better than sex and sunshine', or they presented it as a death warrant. But, in my experience, the truth of the matter is usually between those two extremes so I set out to determine for myself what the research actually said about low-carbohydrate diets. It took me over two years of research and writing, culminating in this, my first book.

The Ketogenic Diet is the first and only book to examine in-depth the scientific evidence regarding low-carbohydrate/ketogenic diets. At 325 pages and containing over 600 scientific references, this will be your complete reference for ketogenic diets.

You'll learn:

The details of human fuel utilziation and how they change on a ketogenic diet

  • How the body adapts to ketosis, including a detailed discussion of protein sparing
  • How the ketogenic diet affects body composition
  • The effect of ketosis on all tissues in the body
  • How the ketogenic diet affects cholesterol levels
  • How to optimize the ketogenic diet for different goals such a fat loss, bodybuilding or endurance training
  • The basics of exercise physiology for aerobic, interval and weight training
  • How different types of exercise affects fat loss

I want to make it very clear that the ketogenic diet is meant as a reference manual for low-carbohdyrate diets; it is unlike any other book on low-carbohdyrate diets that you have ever read or seen. It doesn't contain food lists or recipes, it isn't filled with a lot of hype over how great low-carbohydrate dieting is; nor is it filled with how bad for you the diet it. Rather, it is an objective scientific examination of the topic of low-carbohydrate dieting. However, it's not a book filled with nothing but dry theory.

The Ketogenic Diet includes:

  • Two modified ketogenic diets that include carbohydrates (to support high intensity training) while still allowing the adaptations to ketosis to occur
  • Basic endurance training guidelines, including interval training
  • How to weight train as a beginner, intermediate or advanced trainee
  • How to use the ketogenic diet to prepare for a bodybuilding contest
  • What supplements are useful during the different phases of a ketogenic diet
More info - click here


10 Simple Tips for Atkins Success

By Kim Droze
eDiets Contributor

The Atkins Nutritional Approach is:
A) a short-term solution
B) a red meat diet
C) an eating regimen that eliminates carbohydrates forever
D) all of the above
E) none of the above

The correct answer is E. Surprised? Opponents of the Atkins Nutritional Approach would like you to believe the low-carb eating plan is only good for fast fad-like weight loss. Detractors would also make you think the diet is high in fat and red meat -- and that you can kiss your beloved carbs goodbye forever!

Reality-check time. Such notions are nonsensical at best and a far cry from the truth. There are an estimated 50 million Americans watching their carb intake. So how should these weight-conscious men and women separate fact from fiction?

You may think you have all the tools needed for following the Atkins Nutritional Approach, but if you don't have the New York Times #1 bestseller Atkins For Life you're missing out on the crucial information that sets the record straight. This info-packed book is also available in paperback.

To get the support and assistance you need to drop those extra pounds with the Atkins Nutritional Approach -- click here and see what eDiets has to offer.

In the last book published by Dr. Robert Atkins, the founding father of low-carb living provides readers with everything they need to know about making smart carbohydrate choices for life and maintaining a healthy weight. Dr. Atkins was determined that the world know there is more to doing Atkins than Induction, which is the first and most restrictive phase of the four-phase ANA.

All too many Atkins followers never move beyond the most restrictive phase. Do Atkins right and you'll be able to steadily boost your carb intake throughout the Ongoing Weight Loss, Pre-Maintenance and Lifetime Maintenance phases -- and you’ll maintain your weight permanently. This is what allows you to personalize the Atkins Nutritional Approach to your own lifestyle, says Dr. Stuart Trager, medical director of Atkins Nutritionals and chairperson of the Atkins Physicians Council.

Dr. Trager says the power of the Atkins Nutritional Approach lies in its unique four-phase setup. Induction provides the initial strategy for breaking through cravings and shifting the metabolism from carbohydrate-based to fat-based. From there, the long-term success of the approach is directly linked to slowly reintroducing carbohydrates, primarily in the form of whole foods. Followers identify their individual carbohydrate threshold (i.e. the number of daily grams of carbs that will allow continued weight loss), and once they reach their goal weight, to maintain it.

"The Atkins Nutritional Approach is not a short-term weight-loss solution," Dr. Trager tells eDiets . "It's about lifelong changes... adding back the right carbohydrates so that you reach the level where your weight is stable and you're eating a variety of foods so you can stick with this eating plan for good. This is why people can do Atkins for life.

"You're making smart carbohydrate choices, consuming fruits, vegetables and whole grains in amounts that are individualized to suit your body’s metabolism so you don't put back the weight you've lost. Atkins For Life shows individuals how to identify their own individual carbohydrate threshold, in the process teaching them strategies for Lifetime Maintenance along with exercise and other activities. These are real changes that help people live healthier lives."

Atkins For Life shatters the myth that a low-carb regimen is a red meat diet. With more than 125 recipes and six months of menu plans, the Akins Nutritional Approach features pork, chicken, fish and vegetarian dishes, as well as those for beef and other red meats. Anyone who limits her diet to bun-less bacon cheeseburgers and thick steaks is not doing Atkins correctly, says Dr. Trager.

Also perpetuating the myths of low-carb dieting: copycat books that attempt to cash in by replicating the success of the Atkins Nutritional Approach.

"It's important to understand Dr. Atkins' message -- controlling carbs means choosing the right carbohydrates and adding them back in amounts that are appropriate for you," Dr. Trager says. "Atkins is a time-tested solution that was introduced long before the new crop of copycats, which are creating confusion. People should remember that for 40 years, the Atkins Nutritional Approach was clinically tested in Dr. Atkins' practice. Plus, the efficacy and safety of the Atkins Nutritional Approach has been validated by more than 25 independent research studies."

Several recent studies indicate the low-fat, low-calorie approach to weight loss leaves people hungry, frustrated and unmotivated. Not only does controlling carbs work, but it also boosts the amount of weight loss in some cases.

Dr. Trager says doing Atkins teaches a way of eating you can sustain for life, especially if you have handy and informative resources like Atkins for Life to walk you through the process. Regardless of your personal Net Carb threshold for Lifetime Maintenance (45 grams... 60 grams... 80 grams... or even 100 grams) you'll find plenty of tasty Atkins-friendly recipes at your fingertips.

"Atkins for Life provides the tools you need to make the transition from reaching your goal weight to life-long carbohydrate awareness as part of a new lifestyle," Dr. Trager says.

Here are the 10 simple rules for a making your Atkins experience last a lifetime:

1. Count your daily Net Carbs.

2. Stay at or below your Atkins Carbohydrate Equilibrium (ACE), the amount of carbs you can eat each day while neither gaining nor losing pounds.

3. Adjust your ACE as needed.

4. Eat primarily whole, unprocessed foods.

5. Stay away from added sugar, bleached white flour, hydrogenated oils and junk foods.

6. Don't go more than four to six waking hours without a meal or snack.

7. Exercise regularly.

8. Take a multivitamin and mineral supplement and essential fatty acids.

9. Drink a minimum of eight 8-ounce glasses of water.

10. Never let yourself gain more than 5 pounds.

To learn more about Atkins for Life, click here.
Get your own personalized Atkins program powered by eDiets . eDiets has over 80 different support groups. Support from like-minded folks makes dieting easier and more fun.