
Tahini Zone Cake Recipe

Tahini: The Healthier Fat
From the Zone Diet

Dr. Sears is careful to recommend only the healthiest fat sources, avoiding foods with trans fats or those high in cholesterol. You may have noticed "tahini" on his list of favorable fats -- if you haven't tried this paste, which is made from sesame seeds, you're in for a treat!

Common in Middle Eastern cuisine, tahini is the major ingredient in hummus. It is sold in a jar and has a long life in the fridge. Best of all, it is nutrient-dense, delivering vitamin E and protein. Some manufacturers even offer flavored tahini. Lemon, cracked-pepper, and garlic flavors are all fine, but check the label. You'll want to steer clear of brands that mix in high-fat ingredients.

To get you started on tahini, try this recipe as a savory alternative to basic pancakes:

Tahini Zone Cakes
Yield: 6 or 7 cakes

1/2 cup low-fat cottage cheese
1/4 cup egg substitute or 2 egg whites
1/2 cup water
1 1/2 tablespoons tahini
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
2/3 cup oatmeal
1/2 teaspoon baking powder

1/2 cup blueberries (mashed) or 1/3 cup apple sauce

In a food processor or with a hand mixer, blend cottage cheese, egg substitute, water, vanilla, and tahini until smooth. Add oatmeal and baking powder, and pulse (or stir by hand) until incorporated. Batter will be thin at first, but will thicken if left to stand.

Cook on a 350-degree griddle or very hot pan (both will need a light coating of oil spray) on stove top. Transfer to plate when ready and add topping.

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