
Low Carb is Dead. Long Live Low Carb!

101 Low Carb Diet Tips: Click here for more information!

101 Low Carb TipsMore than 50% of American low carb dieters have given up and currently only 10% of all dieters adhere to Atkins, South Beach, Zone, and the like -- and this is happening right after medical scientists proved low carb dieting to be safe and efficient! What did come in instead?

Dieting trend is now bending toward the Mediterranean eating style and diets like the Sonoma, and it means that counting calories, watching portions, and "eating healthy" is back.

But if you stop to think about it, there's no all-embracing definition of healthy eating. Any healthy eating idea you can remember or try to formulate, will reflect one certain dieting philosophy or the other, health belief, a fashion of the moment, or a personal experience.

Are you about to mention the USDA Food Pyramid? Well, it was exactly during this pyramid's ruling period when obesity in the US reached epidemic proportions. And it's been during this ruling time that 27 clinical studies revealed quite a few low carb dieting advantages over the classical low-fat idea of THE "healthy diet."

Luckily for us, the studies paved the road for the beginning of the convergence of dieting ideas. Even the bitterest Dr. Atkins' rival, Dr. Ornish, reviewing these ideas, saw many points where all and any dieting proponents are currently in agreement.

These points of convergence boil to the following dos and donts:

1. Eat less bad fats, bad carbs, and energy-dense foods
2. Eat more good fats, good carbs, and nutrient-dense food

The bottom line is, low carb is good for you -- if you know the ropes. This is what these tips are all about.

101 Low Carb Diet Tips: Click here for more information!

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